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- «c1»By Darkhawk/IRIS«»
- «»
- «as»«c7»This is not a report of the danish
- scene, although you might come to
- think of this as one. It's more of a
- listing of the active/alive groups in
- Denmark, what they do, and an
- explanation of where the other groups
- went, it's a report of what is
- «c6»*actually* «c7»happening in the danish
- scene.«»
- «»
- First off, «c6»there IS no danish scene
- anymore! «c7»Yes, shocking, but true, just
- as it's mostly true that there's any
- national scene, besides the one in
- Poland. In Denmark this is even more
- true though, as we haven't gotten many
- groups left alive. Who are alive in
- Denmark?«»
- «»
- «c6»Gunnars FarveBio (GFB) Depth, Loonies
- and IRIS «c7»are alive. Not many, eh? We
- can't really have a real scene in
- Denmark with so few groups. «c6»GFB
- «c7»consist of 2 men, «c6»MZ1453, and his
- brother, Dr. Who. «c7»They now and then
- work on an intro or one of his
- megademos. Last release of GFB was at
- the TRSAC 3 party. It was another «c6»megademo.
- «c7»So, GFB are still
- there, and quite reliable for some
- productions now and then, around 1 or
- 2 a year.«»
- «»
- «c6»Depth's «c7»active people have been «c6»Cytron
- «c7»and mainly «c6»Curt Cool. «c7»I hope we'll
- still see some productions now and
- then from them, but well, even their
- organizer doesn't really seem like
- this is all that likely, although Curt
- Cool is flinging out diskmag mods like
- never before, hehe. They also did the
- «c6»EC «c7»until now, and managed very well,
- wouldn't you say? Without that
- production though, they'll probably
- not do much except some fast fun
- production now and then. Most members
- in Depth are either inactive or
- inactive honour members. This is fine,
- but not so fine for the danish scene,
- naturally.«»
- «»
- The we have «c6»Loonies, «c7»quite the known
- group and quite active too, latest
- productions were a fastly recycled «c6»64k
- intro «c7»of TBL's Perfect Circle, aswell
- as the TRSAC «c6»invitation intro «c7»and «c6»an 4k intro «c7»at the party itself.
- Yes,
- they're active, and nghhh.. ngghh..
- yes, some of them are somewhat
- talented, hehe.. See, I can be
- objective too. Loonies is an active,
- danish only group.«»
- «»
- And of course, we have «c6»IRIS «c7»too. We're
- international, but most members are
- from Denmark. Well, never seen us as a
- 'danish' group anyway, but.. We're
- releasing «c6»EC and DISC, «c7»we made a
- slideshow called «c6»The Puppets «c7»lately,
- aswell as a chippack called «c6»Noise from
- Heaven 3, «c7»and hopefully there's
- something out from us for the MS
- too. We're, modestly speaking, the
- group who releases most productions
- every year (12-14 I think). Well,
- whether you like them or not.. That's
- another matter, hehe.«»
- «»
- But anyway, what it comes down to,
- being harsh, is that we can't really
- talk of any danish scene at all, with
- only 4 more or less active groups in
- Denmark, «c6»our national scene is dead!«»
- «»
- «c7»Dramatic statements aside, we kinda'
- know this, don't we? I think «c6»Zerox's
- «c7»country review is slightly off the
- mark, in listing a lot of groups who
- you've likely never heard about, and
- who only existed for one or two fun
- productions, but then faded away. In
- Denmark today, there are only the
- groups I've talked about active in the
- danish Amiga scene. There are also
- other people of course, I will mention
- the two other people who're active
- sceners here in Denmark, and that's
- «c6»Puryx from Scarab and Optima from
- Haujobb. «c7»So, couldn't I have missed
- someone? Some groups or some people
- atleast? Maybe, some people might
- decide to hobble some fun production
- together now and then, and maybe use
- some groupname, but «c6»the real state of
- the danish scene is that we have 4
- active groups in our scene, and 2
- sceners «c7»from groups outside of these.«»
- «»
- What about «c6»Efreet «c7»you say? Well,
- Blueberry is in Loonies and pretty
- busy. Now and then, like at SM one
- year ago, they released a little
- thingie, but beyond doing something at
- a little party if they meet up, they
- aren't really active or even alive.«»
- «»
- Once we had this danish chartmag,
- Dansktoppen, which was revived from
- the good old days by people mainly in
- «c6»Cromatics, «c7»and ran for some issues
- with humour intended for around 4
- other danish sceners, heh. Well, that
- one died with Cromatics, or let's say,
- Loonies should formally have taken it
- over, but nothing has happened, and
- there's not really any point either,
- the scene being so small here in
- Denmark. So, my point is that we don't
- have any kind of national scene
- whatsoever, but this is no surprise,
- of course we need more than 4 active
- groups to have such a community, and I
- guess many other countries fare the
- same way.«»
- «»
- So, there isn't much happening inside
- the danish scene. Well, we know
- eachother, «c6»we're friends and we have
- some degree of competition running,
- «c7»but not that much, our efforts are at
- making an impact in the international
- scene, not competing inside Denmark
- anymore, we're simply too small for
- that now. Instead, we, as the rest of
- the scene (except for some polish
- groups, who have enough in their own
- country, and indeed they have, since
- there're many groups there) know that
- it's not much fun competing internally
- anymore. So, «c6»there's not much
- nationalism or danish scene pride
- left. «c7»Gone are the days were we had
- more than 50 active groups and so on.
- Actually those days have been gone for
- around 10 years.«»
- «»
- So, when doing danish scene reports,
- the sad truth is that there're only 4
- crews to write about, and 2 of them
- aren't even releasing much either..
- «c6»Go ahead and kill me for that remark,
- if you're alive, that is!«»
- «»
- «e»